- | We will adhere to the high quality Japanese materials and Japanese skills, and will do our best to receive affection and love for the Japanese art crafts, from the people in the world. |
- | We will propose new designs and functions and pursue new direction of the traditional Japanese art crafts. And we will create new values with artist-craftsmen and all other producers who share the creation. |
- | We will contribute and do our best to preserve, to maintain and to develop Japanese materials and traditional Japanese art crafts, with deep appreciation and veneration to the artist- craftsmen and to the producers. |
- | We will cherish the affection to those who support and inherit the tradition of Japanese art craft skills, with the heart of respect and veneration. |
- | We are free from any types of prejudices or discriminations, and we will be persistent to be fair and to be understood. |
- | We will do our best to achieve a better understanding and sympathy and love for the product and service, which we provide. |
- | We will face anyone with honesty at any times. |
- | We will pursue, without any compromise, the highest quality, skill and technology with keen sensitivity to achieve the highest aesthetics and grace. |
- | We will always pursue and inspire the change for value creation with innovation. |
- | We cherish the love and the appreciation to the nature and we will be friendly to the environment. |
- | We seek people's health, safety, and happiness of the world as well as those who live together. |
- | We take pride in the values that we received from our ancestors, and hand down those values to our posterity. |